
SUI: Snowmobiling Under the Influence

Apparently this is a problem in Allegheny county: People snowmobiling drunk. Favorite quote: "Those DUIs -- five out of 49, more than 10 percent -- are pretty alarming," Sheriff Wolfgang said.

The thing that gets me about it is that they're setting up actual DUI checkpoints out in the middle of the forest. And beyond that, they actually arrested several people. But isn't the point of a snowmobile the fact that you can go pretty much wherever you want? Couldn't they just, I don't know, go around or something?

The thing about snowmobiles is that they're absolutely terrifying. They're large machines that you can barely control and that are capable of hitting obscene speeds. You'd almost have to be drunk to be brave enough to get on one in the first place. But hey, at least our tax dollars are going to good use. I personally can't count the number of times I've been concerned about drunken snowmobilers.

-Richard Brown

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