
Wouldn't you rather be farther South?

Harry Dest, his wife Ouida and their 7-year-old daughter Hunter are bracing for the worst this Tuesday. They have three standing-room-only tickets to Barack Obama’s Presidential Inauguration swearing-in ceremony, and it’s going to be cold – a high of 32 degrees, not counting the wind, according to the National Weather Service forecast office.

The Dests are from Fort MillS.C., where the temperature stays well above freezing during the winter months.

“We’re trying to do the best we can by buying as much stuff before we came up here,” Harry said.

The family said they spent $300 on cold-weather gear for the Inauguration.

“It’s a jacket for me, boots for her, scarves, gloves, handwarmers,” Ouida said. “We’re freezing, but it’s a moment we wouldn’t trade for anything.

Harry ran through the family’s checklist for the big day: They’ll be up at 3:30 a.m. to catch the orange or blue line Metro from Alexandria by 4:30 or 5.

That means they’ll be standing on the Capitol Lawn from 5:30 a.m. on, until the ceremony commences at 11:30. Music will begin at 10 a.m. to help pass the time.

Ouida said they’ve been researching how to prepare for Tuesday for weeks. She plans on bringing a sleeping bag for Hunter to use to keep warm.

 “Bundle up and dress warmly, make sure you have comfortable foot gear, cover your head and neck,” Harry said. “Even though it’s going to be cold, there’s going to be so much energy here, it won’t matter once the day comes.”

-Katelyn Polantz (who will be following the Dest's recommendation and catching a bus at 5 a.m. tomorrow. Don't worry, Dad, I'll wear lots of layers.)

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